Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Never Again

The physics of life state that time plus frustration is an already combustible combination
Add in love and now it becomes a dangerous situation
Hot emotions boil over to a melting point
Here starts a relationship’s disintegration
eye love you becomes just for the sake of saying
Efforts and sacrifices are in vain because for granted they are taken
There is a loss of consideration
And an evaporation of patience
No longer are you feeling the appreciation
So in turn you no longer have motivation
Now begins the blaming and accusations
But both are equally guilty of hindering love’s growth and maturation
If eye miss you were simply said it would be understated
Are you missing me as eye am you
eye wonder if eye’ve made as big of an impact on your life as you have mine
Or has love for you become so minute that it is easy to turn off and on
Your love of self overshadowed your love of us
Somehow distracting your attention from the bigger picture
Struggled so much with the shallow matters
No strength to cope in the deeper issues
Wish eye could have surveyed the situation through your eyes as you through mine
Only then we could have analyzed true compromise
Done with finger pointing; we lost ourselves in the jungle of self-absorption
Tangled and devoured by the vines of selfishness
Did we have the same view of commitment?
Or is it our personal experiences defined its definition
Within wanting so much to be understood we lost its seriousness
Your ears longing to hear me asking while my eyes begged to see some action
Close your ears and open thy heart
Can you now hear the long awaited sentiment of marry me in between
My works and personal sacrifices
eye wish eye would have just closed my eyes and blindly followed my heart
Probably then eye would have felt the determination behind your wordiness
Just have bent my knee and taken that blind leap of faith
Would that have been the difference made?
Would it have washed away the gray?
Clouds of doubt erased
Opening your vision to better days
Or were you in a permanent personal haze
Killing off all hope by over saturating your thoughts with never’s rain
Sabotaging change by never giving us a chance
Now do you give up without doubts never having to play the if game
Or will eye be for you as you are for me
A true sense of love that will never again be attained?....

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