Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Let me ask this question. Do women really know what the diference  between aggressive and abusive? AGGRESSIVE: BOLDLY ASSERTIVE; FORWARD  ABUSIVE: TREATING.BADLY OR INJURIOUSLY; MISTREATING, ESP. PHYSICALLY;  EXPRESSING OFFENSIVSE PHYSICAL, MENTAL, SEXUAL, OR VERBAL REPROACH.Now,  I'm all for aggresive women they make me... Well that's another blog  for another day. Aggression is a vibe you give off like a aura your  swagger, your style. Abuse is something that usually comes out later on  in a relationship when the victim (man or woman) has his/her guard down.  Most women that eye have encountered no matter what race or sexuality say  that they want an aggressive women or an aggressive man. But when that woman  or man turns into an abusive partner a lot of women still stay. Why is  that? Don't get me wrong eye love an aggressive woman but when she beats  on me physically, emotionally, and/or mentally it's time to go. Today my sorro called because her and her boyfriend had a  fight (she went to work before bruised up black eyes, busted swollen  lips etc. and she had been calling out frequently. eye said to  another soror"eye hope she's ok." She responded "my boyfriend beats on  me and eye  go to work, so  should she." She said "he grabs me and  shakes me when eye piss him off, but eye know when to shut up so he doesn't  raise his fist at me" eye just looked at the phone in amazement at how  nonchalant she was. eye've been there before, eye've  had a woman hit be but  she would tell me it was for old and new encase eye did something eye mean  WTF and you know what my so called "friends" told me "N" just do what  she says and anything you think she may want you to do before she asks  you to do it you now, to keep her of ya ass so much" she has  hit me and  she tore me down mentally and eye'm still recovering. When eye was younger eye  went through it with a bully (ex number 2) who did all types of shyt to  me that had me throwing up blood and some more shyt. eye won't go through  it again. That's my word. To my women or men that maybe going through  this if your partner is going to change it WON'T BE BECAUSE YOU STAYED!Staying will only get you hurt or even killed. eye  know it's hard and you  want to be the rock that your partner needs to change and become a  better person but you are only allowing yourself to be a enabler, a  punching bag. Get out for yourself and for the people who love you. And  remember Abuse never equals EYE Love You. While we are on the topic of  abuse and aggression let me ask another question why is it that NOT ALL  BUT SOME studs/Doms feel that the only way the prove that they are the  more dominant person in the relationship. WE KNOW THAT, THAT'S WHY WE  ARE ATTRACTED TO YOU DUMB ASS!! Abuse is not a turn-on nor does it make you more  of a stud/Dom Yeah that's not a good look. To all my Doms/studs that are  doing love that right way eye got nothing but love and respect for you.

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