Saturday, November 10, 2012


Eye have learned there's a risk in human relationships, and it's often followed by pain. But eye am guarantee growth, and eye will find the happiness that eye seek, Eye will reach out to someone today.

Relationships with other people are necessary to escape loneliness, however eye have come to realize relationships do not guarantee freedom from pain. Nurturing a meaningful relationship with another human being takes patience, even when we do not have any.  It takes tolerance even if we don't feel it. It takes selflessness at these very moments my ego is crying for attention. We need relationships with others they inspire us. We learn who we are and who we can become via relationships, They push forward our accomplishments. Creativity is encouraged by then. Such as my emotional and spiritual development. As eye look around eye feel blessed even when it is a negative situation. Every situation is capable of inspiring a positive step forward. Every situation is meant for the betterment of self.


Friday, November 9, 2012

Anger is Ok

 It is OK for me to be angry today, it promoted growth if eye use it for good.
Anger is an emotion, not a bad one or a good one it simply exists when certain conditions in our lives are not met as we hoped. Eye can  free myself of this anger if eye choose to take action fitting to it.
Anger can be a healthy prompter of action. But when no action is taken anger turns inward, negatively influencing my perception of all experiences, all human interaction. Eye need to befriend all of my emotions. Eye will trust they can all serve me when eye befriend them, learn from them, act in healthy concert with them. My emotions the many faces of my soul. And all are valid deserving respect and acceptance. They are all representative of my inner self. Because eye am less at home with anger it becomes more powerful. When eye deny it, it doesn't disappear. It surfaces in unrelated circumstances, complicating my life in unnecessary ways. Eye have learned to enjoy my anger by celebrating the positive action it prompts. Eye will cherish the growth that accompanies it, when eye take the steps eye need to.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Anger Conquers When Unresolved

Emotions need recognition. But not only attention, they also need acceptance as powerful dimensions of who we are. Their influence over who we are. Their influence over who we are capable of becoming is mighty. Respectful attention to and willing acceptance of our emotions, whether fear or anger or jealousy take their sting. We can prevent them from growing larger then they are. Like a child who screams and misbehaves more and more until attention us won, our emotions grow larger and more intense the longer we deny their existence. Our emotions bless us in reality. Emotions enrich our experiences. Emotions are  maps on the road we are traveling. How we feel at any single moment raises the level of our security, how close we are to our higher Divinity, the level of commitment to ourself. On the other hand, when ignored or denied, emotions can immobilize us, even defeat us.
~ my feelings frequent my being always. They guide my behavior. They reflect my attitudes, they hint at my closeness to Divinity.~

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Love breeds love

The need for love is universal. Each of us long for the affirmation that assures us we are needed, appreciated, desired. We are strengthened by the strokes others give us, and when the strokes are not there, we sometimes falter. Eye have learned with spiritual maturity comes the understanding we are loved, unconditionally by Divinity. The awareness of that love, the realization of strong presence, will build us up when when no other love shows up. Most of us still loose our connection to the Higher Being however. Until the time when we are certain about our value, about the presence of Divine love, we/eye will need to practice self affirmation. Learning how to nurture ourselves, how to be gentle and caressing the woman within, may take time. Unconditionally loving ourselves will become natural in time.
Love breeds love. Eye will shower it upon myself and others and relish the growing sense of all that emerges.